A registered farm vet can now digitally record a Vet Attestation for sheep keepers on the Livestock Information Service, and an abattoir user can view that attestation before export to the EU.

This new development on the LIS platform comes following the update from Defra regarding the requirement of a veterinary attestation from 13th December 2023 for all livestock keepers who produce livestock intended for the food chain and which may be exported to the EU.

Remember, if you are part of a qualifying farm assurance scheme such as Red Tractor, or you produce animals for your own purpose, then you do not need to acquire a Vet Attestation Number (VAN).

Speak to your vet about getting your vet attestation today; this can be combined with a routine farm visit. View the guidance on the Livestock Information website to learn more: https://livestockinformation.org.uk/vet-attestation/.