In a time where we are all being encouraged to switch to digital alternatives, we understand that the transition can be a challenge and out of well-established comfort zones. At Livestock Information, we are committed to helping all our Livestock Information Service (LIS) users get the most out of the platform, whilst ensuring it is as easy as possible to use in the process.

To help us achieve this, we shared a survey last year (May 2024) asking sheep keepers in England about their current processes and how we could improve the usability of LIS to encourage a higher adoption rate. We were pleased to receive over 1000 responses, which has helped us to shape and enhance the service we are delivering for you.

Here are some of the changes and developments we have made so far…

Updated the digital movement document to match the paper movement document – whilst there is still a requirement for a paper version of the movement document to accompany the animal (sheep/goat) through the supply chain (including markets, hauliers, abattoirs) we have ensured that the Sheep & Goat Movement Document available on LIS now matches the current LIS-1 paper form to improve familiarity.

Automatically linked the VAN details – the updated digital movement document now has the capability of automatically populating the VAN (Vet Attestation Number) section, provided the attestation has been recorded on LIS by a veterinarian. This helps to highlight the validity of a holding’s VA status.

Created a suite of ‘How-To’ video guidance – sometimes the best way to grasp something new, is to watch and learn. So, we have started producing ‘How-To’ videos to provide a walk-through demonstration of how to do various tasks on LIS. To date, we have completed the ‘How To Sign Up To LIS’ and ‘How To Accept A Market Move’ videos, with more planned over the coming months.

Updated our FAQs – as our service evolves, our frequently asked questions also change. Therefore, we have updated our Help and Support page to reflect the latest queries received by our support team.

Created step-by-step guidance to help you get started – one of the most common queries we receive is how to get started with LIS; whether that is down to login credentials, acquiring a CPH number, or creating a new account. Check out our new Get Started page for step-by-step guidance.

Developed new LIS User Case Studies – hear from other sheep farmers who use LIS on our new Case Studies page, and find out what features they like most about the service, and how they are making it work for them.

If you’d like to be the first to hear about our latest news and updates, or to get a preview of our new ‘How-To’ videos and guidance, sign up to our LIS newsletter today. Simply head to our Homepage and fill out the form near the bottom of the page.