Suckler herd
News & Media
06 November 2024
A significant milestone achieved in the development of the LIS Cattle Service

As work progresses on the development of England’s enhanced Livestock Information Service (LIS), we are delighted to confirm that the new LIS Developer Hub for the new Cattle Service has gone live.

The LIS Developer Hub has been created by Livestock Information Ltd to offer farm management, market and abattoir software providers an efficient method of integration with LIS through an API data feed. This integration allows livestock keepers to submit, view, modify and confirm livestock movements electronically, using their current farm software, whilst still fulfilling their statutory reporting requirements.

It is important to note that whilst this is an early version of the LIS Developer Hub for the new Cattle Service, it offers an exclusive first look at essential API documentation for software developers, providing a head start on integrating with the upcoming enhanced LIS platform. The website includes information on managing livestock movements and how the new service will facilitate them, as well as guidance on recording births and deaths, handling lost and found animals, and maintaining animal records. An updated FAQ section is also available for additional support.

This recent development demonstrates significant advancement in the preparation work being undertaken for the enhanced LIS platform, which will have the ability to trace multiple livestock species data through one system. Further updates to the LIS Developer Hub will be required as work progresses, specifically in relation to the pending outcome of Defra’s public consultation on changes to Bovine Identification, Registration, and Movement policies.

You can access the new Developer Hub website here:

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