To start using the Livestock Information Service (LIS) to report sheep, goat and deer movements, you will need to create an account to be able to login to LIS. Details of how to do this are provided below.

Download a copy of this guide (PDF) >

Before you get started you will need two things:

  • 1. Your registered CPH number
  • 2. Access to the email address connected to this CPH
    The CPH (County Parish Number) is a unique geographical reference for a farm or group of land parcels registered with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). It is made up of a nine-digit number (for example 12/345/0001)

If you are not sure of your CPH and email address, please contact the LIS Support here

To create an account:
  • Step 1:

    Open the LIS service account creation page here

  • Step 2:

    In the new window, click on the ‘Create Account’ button

  • Step 3:

    Enter your CPH number Your email address connected to this CPH will automatically appear on screen but with some characters hidden. If you see a message that a CPH or email address cannot be found, or you can no longer access the email address returned, then please contact LIS Helpdesk on 03300 416 577 or email

  • Step 4:

    Confirm your email address A verification code will automatically be sent to your e-mail address. Once the email arrives, copy the code as you will need it to proceed to step 5.

  • Step 5:

    Enter the verification code from the e-mail Enter the unique code that you received in your email into the verification field

  • Step 6:

    Enter a new password for the service and confirm it You will need to use 8 characters, one number and a special character

  • Step 7:

    Your LIS account has now been created Please use these credentials to log in and use the LIS service going forward.

  • What has changed and why?

    The Livestock Information Service (LIS) is the new sheep traceability service in England and is developed through an alliance of government and industry. LIS will make it easier to report movements and improve the quality and availability of data in the process. The first service to move was sheep, goats and deer. The next stage involves onboarding cattle and pig movement data.

  • Will I still be able to report my sheep movements to ARAMS?

    No. ARAMS is now closed and has been replaced by the Livestock Information Service (LIS).

  • How will reporting to LIS be different to ARAMS?

    Initial changes for you as an online user, will be relatively minor. You will still need to provide the same information to LIS as you did to ARAMS, with paper movement documents still accompanying physical animal movements.

  • Are the rules for reporting sheep movements changing?

    No. The law around sheep ID, record keeping and movement reporting is not changing, with Defra guidance on GOV.UK unchanged.

  • What does this mean to a farmer who uses paper forms to record and notify sheep movements?

    There is no change for farmers if you currently report sheep, goat and deer movements using paper. Please send forms to: Livestock Information Service, C/o Defra, Curwen Road, Workington, CA14 2DD.

  • What steps do I need to take to start using LIS?

    You will first need to create an account on LIS. If you currently use farm management/market/abattoir software then continue to use it in the same way.

  • Why should I use the new online service?

    Online reporting with LIS will makes a significant difference to the accuracy and speed of receiving the data enabling government to respond better to livestock disease outbreaks as well as supporting trade opportunities. If you don’t already report your movements online, you can create an account on LIS today and see how quick and easy it is to use.

  • Has LIS been piloted in the same way that the new farming schemes have?

    LIS has been comprehensively tested for all known scenarios with livestock farmers, markets, abattoirs and software providers to ensure that it works in those situations.

  • Do CSV files that we upload onto LIS have to be in a certain format?

    CSV files simply need to be uploaded as a single column list of tag numbers.

For farmers
  • What is my CPH?

    The CPH (County Parish Number) is a unique geographical reference for a farm or group of land parcels registered with the Animal Plant and Health Agency (APHA).  It is made up of a nine-digit number (for example 12/345/0001). More information on registering as a farmer can be found on the GOV.UK website

    When you create an account with LIS using your CPH number, a registered email address will automatically appear. If this email address is incorrect, please contact the LIS Support team on

  • Can I submit my movement document by email?

    Yes. You will need to complete a movement form, downloadable from our website and save it to your computer. Attach the completed form in an email and send to our Support Team Remember it is easier and quicker to use the Livestock Information Service online to report movements.

  • I use an electronic tag reader for sheep, can I send that information to LIS?

    Yes, you can now send your electronically recorded data to LIS, either:
    1) Scan or photograph (on your smartphone) your completed paper LIS-1 movement form, or: 2) Scan or photograph (on your smartphone) the tag reader print out sheets. Then attach the above files to an email, sending to If your tag reader links to your computer via USB cable or Bluetooth – you can simply upload the information for the movement and attach to an email, along with the ‘fillable’ online LIS-1 form from our website LIS-1 form.

For markets
  • How will cross border moves work?

    You just need to enter your CPH information as before.

  • As a Welsh (or Scottish) market, do I have to report on LIS?

    No. Welsh markets report on EIDCymru and Scottish markets report on ScotEID regardless of where those sheep or goats come from.

  • Do we still use ARAMS paper licences?

    Yes. The rules for the use of paper licenses are unchanged.

  • If a farmer has sheep coming off two holdings, how does this need to be reported?

    That would need to be notified as two movements from both locations.

  • Will markets have the ability to alter or change movements on-line after a sale has been completed?

    Yes, this can still be done.